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PolarisHey Hey GuyTokyoDroidMandrillJabdahValentino Mon AmourRed ManShooting StarAmericaI can hear your voiceHot StuffFree your lifeBaby don't you break my heartWalking AwayDigital SignalShow MeShock meGoing CrazyYou'll be mineLove Me NowNew WorldCan't StayHouse machineMonkey MonkeyKeep the jointMasMix Que NuncaDJ EffectsThe Koto MixSound EffectsShooting...
Original versionStaffan Ohman RemixMindXPander RemixMarco Rochowski RemixDreamtime remixAnders Lundqvist The Shan MixGalaxy Hunter dance RemixA.M.Sumarai Remix
DVD with 16 fantastic dance tracks:C.C. Catch-Heaven and HellThe Weather Girls-It's Raining ManAlphaville-Forever YoungEddy Huntington-U.S.S.R.Ricchi E Poveri-Ricchi E PoveriModern Talking-Brother LouieF.R. David-WordsBoney M.-Daddy CoolOttawan-D.I.S.C.O.Dieter Bohlen-Magic SymphonySandra-Maria MagdalenaRiccardo Forte-Sorie Di Tutti GiorniSavage-Don't cry...
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01. Casanova - Angel Eyes (Full Extended) 5:5602. Alan Brando - Once upon a time (Vocal Version) 9:3303. Ken Martina - Cinderella (Vocal Extended Mix) 7:3904. Ken Martina - Love is forever (Extended Version) 6:1705. Tommy Sun - Dancer (Italo Mix) 7:3106. Boy Blue - One day (Vocal Version) 6:0407. Ken...
Death And Dark 4:50Machine Rhythm 3:51Cyber Doom 6:15Underwater Droid 5:36I Have To Know 5:11Our Culture Is Sick 7:22You Are The Robot 6:08Stimulant Industrial Love 4:43Civilization 4:50Whore 4:39Humanity 4:07Hypnoid 15:34Dying (Bonus Track) 5:29
The RiddleVoyage VoyageThe NightRelaxLet the music playTheme from ShaftU Got 2 let the musicJust an Illusion2 TimesThese boots are made for walkingRide on timeEins, Zwei, PolizeiBoys Boys BoysOoo-La-La-LaChinese EyesOnce Upon A TimeSaturday NightLove is EverywhereThe Funk PhenomenaA Walk in the ParkCan't take my eyes of youShe has a wayHigh EnergyPump up...