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The night(original mix) 5:46Get Closer(Vocal) 6.00It's so easy 6:30The battle 2:05Bow and Arrow 3:55The Wizard 3:40King Arthur 3:48The magic Rain 4:03Guinnevere 3:49Lancelot 4:32On the run 3:53The sword inside the heart 4:06The end of the story 3:10The night(Oliver Momm Club Mix) 5:20The Night(Oliver Momm extended radio mix) 6:10
Original versionStaffan Ohman RemixMindXPander RemixMarco Rochowski RemixDreamtime remixAnders Lundqvist The Shan MixGalaxy Hunter dance RemixA.M.Sumarai Remix
BERLIN TECHNO: Berlin: Technohauptstadt der Welt! Meistbesuchte Stadt des Kontinents, Heimat der Loveparade, Heimat von legendären Clubs wie dem Tresor, Berghain, Bar25 und Watergate und nicht zuletzt Ort des Geschehens des (inzwischen-) Kultfilms BERLIN CALLING, welcher einer neuen Generation von Feierwütigen die elektronische Tanzmusik wieder...
Galaxion-"Embryo Zero" 5:05Phobotrax-"Better Place" 5:27Dreamtime-"Before the Dawn" 6:28Staffan Öhman-"Point of no Return" 6:37Cosmic Rebellion-"Cosmic Rebellion" 5:20Sacce-"Lonely Summer" 5:55Bogyo-"High Volume in Space" 5:22Marc Vera-"Twilight Imperium" 5:49Samurai-"Star of Happiness" 4:33Synthesis-"Under Control" 6:22
Joy - Touch By TouchGoombay Dance Band - EldoradoOttawan - D.I.S.C.O.John Paul Young – Love Is In The AirMurray Head - One Night In BangkokJohnny Wakelin - In Zaire Summer CocktailOceans, The - Movin' CruisinSaragossa Band - AgadouEddy Grant - Gimme Hope Jo'AnnaAfric Simone - HafananaGibson Brothers - MegamixLa Compagne Créole - A.I.É.Themby - Love...
Star Trek 4:53Mc Gyver 3:43Airwolf 3:46The End 4:09Twilight Zone 4:14Back To The Future 4:06The Thing 3:08Terminator 3:27Die Klapperschlange 4:06The Eve Of The War 4:09Star Wars 3:49Space Patrol Orion 3:27Apocalypse Now 3:19
1 Intro Music By – Vitaly Polozov 1:092 Siberian Girl, Siberian Boy 4:323 In Your City 5:134 You Can`t Be Mine 4:415 Little Lady 4:226 Just Say Hello 4:507 Magic Blue Eyes 5:498 She`s My Girl, She`s My Child 3:249 Sorry 4:5010 Letters 3:4211 Fight For Your Dreams 5:0412 Flute Cries 5:0413 Angel`s Heart 4:2314 Elen (instrumental) Music By – Vitaly...
Dragon's LegendMega Hit Mixes of Fun Fun's: Happy Station Colour My Love Baila Bolero Living In Japan Gimme Some Lovin'May DayShotgunNever Say You Love MeNaughty BoyNapoli NapoliBamboleoJasmin China GirlDisco ManiacJive Into The NightStop Me BabyDon't Talk About ItDe Nuevo TuAli Baba